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Paramètres de l'élément
Hidden Cancel
(Changing from Email)
This is used as a descriptive label when displaying this webform element.
The default value of the webform element.
Allow element to be populated using query string parameters.
Cochez cette option si l'utilisateur doit entrer une valeur.
Classes CSS de Enveloppe (wrapper)
Apply classes to the element's wrapper around both the field and its label. Select 'custom…' to enter custom classes.
Appliquer des styles personnalisés à l'enveloppe de l'élément, englobant le champ et son étiquette.
Enter additional attributes to be added to the element's wrapper.
Private elements are shown only to users with results access.
Create submission
Select roles and users that should be able to populate this element when creating a new submission.
Select roles and users that should be able to update this element when updating an existing submission.
Select roles and users that should be able to view this element when viewing a submission.